Overview of MATI
The workshop will include 5 days of training and one day of group presentations. Each day will include 3 sessions and will conclude with time to work on the group project. The integrative project will provide participants with an opportunity to practice developing an IES Goal 1 meta-analysis research proposal.
Advanced Statistical Methods
Topics will include:
Advanced effect sizes (e.g., pre-post, regression coefficients, clustered)
Power analysis for main effects and moderators
Methods for handling dependent effect sizes (robust variance estimation)
Missing data (both outcomes and moderators)
Publication bias
Single-case designs
Interpretation of results (particularly with heterogeneity)
Implementation of Methods in R
Students will learn to:
Use metafor to calculate effect sizes and conduct simple meta-analyses
Use robumeta and clubSandwich to implement robust variance estimation
Use metaSEM to estimate meta-SEM models
Use R more generally to create funnel plots, impute missing data, and conduct power analysis
Project Management Skills
Topics will include:
Choosing a database management system (e.g., FileMaker vs Excel)
Setting up a database
Training coders and assessing reliability
Scoping and coding